Healing Hope Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship

Focusing on Jesus so all can experience: Forgiveness - Restoration - Growth - Empowerment

join us for Sabbath School and worship

Adult Sabbath School IN PERSON & online

Saturdays, 9:30 am

What We'll Do:

  1. Pray together & catch up about the week
  2. Discuss the Bible topic of the week. Access the online Quarterly here.

Worship Service Live and online

Saturdays, 10:50 am

**NOTE: For those who can't make it, or would rather not attend in person services yet, we are also on Zoom. For more information, please call the church office @ 503-253-8595

If you have a Zoom account, click here to join online

Passcode: 3dZFW6

If you do not have the Zoom program on your device,
call in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID 782 2463 5627

Visitor's Meal every Sabbath


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